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Answer: Use $IМAGE1-left$ ($IМАGE1-right$) instead of $IМАGE1$. |
2. When I add entries on the website, I get an error about the 'Image' field not being filled in. How do I fix that?
Answer: You need to check the mandatory fields that you have set in the Module settings section of the module. |
3. I want to add news to the website automatically and from a certain source. How do I accomplish that?
Answer: You need to use RSS and Informers. |
4. Is it possible to create news not for the current day, but for yesterday or for the upcoming week?
Answer: Control Panel -> Site News -> Module settings -> Module fine settings -> check "Enable ability to choose date of entry adding". |
Answer: If it is not there in the template, but the system adds it, this means it has to be there. |
Answer: No, it is not possible. |
Answer: No. In the same way search engines do not index news that are prohibited for Guests to view. |
Answer: It is not possible to edit this page. |