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Answer: Guestbook is the oldest and the most popular way of feedback. You will be able to receive users' reviews about your website and comment on them with the help of the Guestbook module.

Useful link:
uCoz Community Forum

Answer: Log in to Control Panel by adding /admin to the name of your website. Go to Guestbook -> Module settings -> Display new entries -> select "Top/Bottom" -> Save.

Useful link:
uCoz Community Forum

Answer: Yes, they are. In case the BB Codes panel is missing when adding an entry, you need to allow BB codes usage in Control Panel -> Users -> User groups -> Set permissions for all groups.

Answer: The concept of Guestbook doesn't require registration. Although, if you want, you can make Guests sign up before posting in the Guestbook. All you need is to make the necessary settings in Control Panel -> Users -> User groups -> Set permissions for all groups.